DON’T BE SWAYED by the title to think this is a book of interest
only to female readers. It has something for all gardeners, including
tips, facts linking gardening with history, and most of all stories
that inspire. The 12 short stories are told by women ranging from
market gardeners to English teachers. Enjoy this quick journey
through the lives of these women and you’ll probably find at least
one of whom you’ll say, “I know someone just like her.”
Among the entries is the story of Susan, a breast cancer
patient who, while driving back from the first of her 33 radiation
treatments, was drawn to stop at a roadside stone yard. “I’ve always loved stones, so I pulled over and went in,”
she writes. “As I stood there looking at all the beautiful
stones, the idea came to me: ‘I’m going to build a path.’”
Susan used the stones to help her on her path to
recovery, and you might be surprised by the finished design
of her walkway.
Beth used her garden to help her cope with the
stress of watching her husband succumb to Lou
Gehrig’s disease. “Working in the soil grounded me and reminded
me in a tangible way of my belief in the oneness of all
things — that the life force energy is everywhere, in
leaves, in earth, in trees, everywhere,” she writes. “I
don’t believe in death. I believe that life continues in
another less visible form. For me, the garden was the
unfolding of life, and that was very soothing.”
Sue, another gardener, provides the reader with a
chance to nod in agreement. “Truth be told, I’d rather sit and look at my
garden than work in it,” she notes. “But all the work is worthwhile
for the peace and joy it brings me.”
Read Nancy’s story if you want to learn how to grow a
cucumber inside a Coke bottle, and Michoko’s story if you want to
improve your garden photography skills. Discover how often
Shakespeare used plants in his works by reading about Francie’s
garden, and enjoy Eleanor’s wisdom when she says “A garden is a
lot like life — the best way to live is to live it.”
In addition to being a gardener, Carolyn Freas Rapp is a storyteller,
which makes this an easy book to read and enjoy.

Garden Voices
Stories of Women & Their Gardens
By Carolyn Freas Rapp
Review by Dr. Richard Churchill